Taking a break to go outside in the middle of your workday can bring you so much joy. Many of us are working from home and are glued to our computers not giving our eyes a rest, then when we do take a break, the first thing we grab is our phone which traditionally doesn't nourish us. Go outside and take a deep breath. If you are at home, take a bike ride during your lunch. Moving your body and giving your eyes a rest can really energize you for the rest of your work day. Our backsides get tired of sitting so long. Listen to Kristi Pawlowski and I talk about how taking breaks during her lunch helped her and the family feel happier and more joyful. Her entire family felt less stress and rejuvenated. She noticed she had increased energy and focus to help her have a more productive day. A quote that I will definitely start using on those frustrating days at work by Kristi, "Find Your Rainbow in the Storm." Doesn't' that just sound so delicious! You can connect with Kristi on Facebook @ Find Your Rainbow In the Storm or by email @ Speechkp@yahoo.com.
Remember every day may not be filled with joy, but you can create joyful moments in every day.
We are in this together friend!
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Music by @htx.spectro on IG

Season 1 Episode 17: Outside Breaks can Relieve Work Stress and Increase Energy
Apr 27, 2021Joyful Genia