Season 1 Episode 18: Increase Your Joy Meter & Productivty with a Midday Dance Party

Season 1 Episode 18: Increase Your Joy Meter & Productivty with a Midday Dance Party

May 04, 2021Joyful Genia

I love a midday solo dance party to boost my joy for the day. I put on Beyonce's 7/11 and dance in the mirror to the entire song. Yesssss Queen! But seriously, breaking up the monotony of the day, moving your body and having a little fun can help to increase your energy to have a continued productive work day. Listen to Taja V. Simpson and I chat it up about her midday dance party solo and with her pups. She realized she got so much done the second half of her day aiding in her feeling of accomplishment. It also left her with some much needed "Me Time" and she was able to enjoy the rest of her day. You can't go wrong with "Boss," from the Carter album. This simple break in her day to jam actually helped her feel free and wind down at the end of her day. We get so caught up in our busy schedules that we forget about us sometimes. Giving time for you is good for your body, mind, spirit and all other important areas of your life. Another way to add some joy to your day is writing a letter to yourself and actually sending it in the mail. Taja writes the most beautiful letter to herself. makes my heart smile. Celebrate those small wins and take one step at a time. She drops so many gems, so get your pen ready. Try this on for size, "Everything always works out for me." This is an affirmation she stands firm in and I agree with her! "Your words are your wand." Lastly, "And so it is." Gems! Gems! Gems! You can connect with Taja on her website

Remember every day may not be filled with joy, but you can create joyful moments in every day.

We are in this together friend!

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