There is so much joy in color. Color can bring us excitement, extreme happiness, immense joyful feelings and be a mood booster. Try new colors to see how they make you feel. Some ideas: wear new colors, add accent colors to your home or office, paint an accent wall, add more color to your food. The sky's the limit! There are studies that support the impact of colors in our personal and professional life.
Payscale shard the following as it relates to the workplace.
Green: this color causes the least amount of strain on the eyes and brings a feeling a calm. Makes people think of being outside.
Blue: calming color that reminds us of blue skies and water.
Red: evokes a sense of urgency, high energy levels and an elevated heart rate.
Yellow: brings cheerful feelings.
I will share a story about how wearing bright colors turned my horrible morning around and brought me as well as my co-workers so much joy!!! Cheers to color! How does color speak to you? Mere color can speak to the soul in a thousand ways. - Oscar Wilde.
Remember every day may not be filled with joy, but you can create joyful moments in every day.
We are in this together friend!
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Season 1 Episode 21: Color Me Joyful
May 25, 2021Joyful Genia