Connecting with nature can really rejuvenate us and bring us present. Being present allows us to stand in gratitude. Standing in gratitude can increase our joyful experiences because we see so many things around us to be grateful for in our lives. Listen to Tara Truax and I talk about how hugging a tree can bring us joy. Try hugging different trees to see what you can receive from them and also give back to it. She realized while hugging a tree that it's ok to be weird, different and unique, because we still hold value. Wow, doesn't that fill you up with joy! Look at how trees have scars and are so different, they are still useful and precious. We have so much to contribute. How are you showing up in your highest good? And remember, every day you won't exhibit the same version of yourself. So give yourself plenty of grace. You always get to take another step and make another choice. Ask yourself, what inspired step can you take to lead you to the next inspired action. Tara's mantra truly resonates with me, "Show up in the highest version of myself, to allow others to show up in the highest version of themselves with ease, joy, grace and glory." Show up as you, for you to increase the feelings of joy you experience and this will trickle down to other areas in your life. You can connect with Tara on her website, FB under Tara Page Truax or or IG @TheBodyWiseDancer.
Remember every day may not be filled with joy, but you can create joyful moments in every day.
We are in this together friend!
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